Curso: Identificação, Biologia e Conservação de Aves de Rapina, 3ª Edição
5 a 8 de Junho de 2008

Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Parque Natural do Douro Internacional
Acções de Sensibilização Ambiental

General objective

To invert the decline of 3 species of birds inhabiting the cliffs: the Black stork, the Egyptian vulture and the Bonelli eagle, inside the Natural Park of Douro International.

Specific objectives

To improve the foraging habitat for this species;

To increase the productivity of these bird populations;

To reduce the interference of non-natural mortality factors and the disturbance related to human activities such as the production, transport and distribution of electrical power;

To collect and amplify the amount of information on foraging and dispersal areas of these species;

To improve the image and public awareness of cliff birds, specially these three species.

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