Curso: Identificação, Biologia e Conservação de Aves de Rapina, 3ª Edição
5 a 8 de Junho de 2008

Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo - Parque Natural do Douro Internacional

The Douro International region is considered to be one of the most important areas to the birds of the cliffs (or rocky birds) in the Iberian context. In this area several factors have been influencing the conservational status of three species of birds causing de abrupt declining in population numbers. These species are the Bonelli´s eagle Aquila fasciata, the Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus, and the Black stork Ciconia nigra. In the case of the first specie, the situation is of extreme concern since its population has suffered a 40% regression in the last 15 years.

Given this situation, the ICNB (Institute of Nature and Biodiversity Conservation) has elaborated an emergency plan for the conservation of the population of those three species of birds (PEAR), defining 16 actions related to the habitat improvement, the increase of the prey availability, the minimization of the non-natural mortality factors, the technical and scientific monitoring of all the actions, and the public-awareness campaigns and advertising of the Project.

This Plan is set to have the duration of two years (from Setember 2007 to August 2009) and its accomplishment is financially assured by EDP – Energias de Portugal, on the behalf of the B&B Initiative (362 800 €). The development of the several actions is of the responsibility of 5 environmental non-governmental organizations (non-profit local/regional associations) and one forestal association (regional organization).

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